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Bowlilng With Boyle
Tuesday, November 8, 2022

What every child dreams of! Leaving school early to go bowling with your fabulous principal and friends. Did we mention pizza?  You can bet Mr. Boyle will show up with enthusiasm and ready to show off his bowling abilities with his own ball and and signature bowling moves.

Students will depart St. Luke about 11:15am and return to school before dismissal at 2pm. We will provide pizza, beverages and a memorable afternoon of bowling fun. If your child has dietary restrictions or cannot have pizza, please pack a lunch. 

After purchase Jess Cunningham will email you the permission slip and waiver forms. All students MUST have all paperwork completed and returned to the office by Monday, Nov. 7th to attend. No exceptions. We are also looking for parent volunteers to drive to and from school. If you are interested please email Jess Cunningham at jcunningham@stlukeshoreline.org.


THANK YOU! All Proceeds Benefit the 2023 St. Luke Auction.