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Auction 101

Simple Questions, Simple Answers


What is the Auction and who does the Auction benefit?

The St. Luke Auction is the largest joint-effort fundraiser of the year and benefits both the school and parish, generating over $400,000 each year. SAVE THE DATE- This year’s Gala will be held on February 22nd, 2025 at Shoreline Community College.

What are the expectations as far as procurement goes?

For all families with a student registered and attending St. Luke School, the annual auction is part of your tuition agreement. Each school family is responsible for procuring or donating items or cash valued at $350. All other St. Luke parish and community members are highly encouraged to donate, procure, and attend the auction but hold no contractual obligation.

Besides donating cash, what else should I donate?

The key to a successful auction is variety and financial support to help underwrite our costs. We've prioritized our list: 1) $350+ cash donation 2) Vacation rentals, sporting events, staycations, group events, family outings and activities. 3) Raise Right gift cards/Gift Cards to local businesses.

What is the difference between procuring and donating?

Procuring an item involves asking a third party (a business or friend) to contribute an item for the auction, and donating is contributing an item or cash for the auction from your own resources. For school families, both donation and procured items are valid in meeting the $350 requirement.

What is the Fund-A-Need?

The Fund -A- Need is a request for monetary donations that go directly towards a specific area or need of the school. 100% of the money raised is used to support and facilitate the need. This part of the auction is school specific and all donations fully benefit the school and this need directly. This need changes year to year.

Does a donation made to the Fund-A-Need count towards my family's obligation?

NO. A donation, no matter the denomination, does not replace or count towards your contractual obligation of $350 per school family. A Fund-A-Need donation is highly encouraged but is not required.

THANK YOU Sponsors!

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